Hyundai Kona / Ionic EV

Gonna recheck that, then… I also had one of the two RPM PIDs not work at all at one point.

Not work for my Ioniq electric :frowning:

System return as when you use SOC data , NOT DATA , I t can use to understand in which state we are.

It’s not clear if autopi consider NO DATA as type of value or int ? to use about logical

if ( RMP != ‘NO DATA’ || SOC != 'NO DATA ')
if(RMP != ‘NO DATA’) GO TIMER(2000) // TO WAKE UP
else TIMER(0) // always wake
else GO OFF

@jorgeli can you explain a bit more? It works for my Ioniq EV.
When you go to Car Explorer -> Library and click on the Batt_Power, you have a button named “Run”.
Can you share the results of that command from command line interface that opens?

Here in NL, the importer provides an app and connection to the car. It has a connection somewhere behind the dashboard. Unfortunately, that connection to the app is only one way, so you can’t turn the pre-heater on with the app. Very frustrating…

It is connected in series with the connection on the back of the instrument panel. Here are the installation instructions. Unfortunately in Dutch, but with Google translate you must be able to figure it out :crazy_face:

Especially page 2 is interesting. There you see hou this communication unit is connected. I expect a full CAN bus connection to be present there.

The other pages show you how to dismantle the entire dashboard. Might come in handy…

image image image

Wow. Great.
Do you have acces to same info but for Hyundai ?
For the Kia module gsm, i think all 2019 car don’t have it. It is new for the next generation car. Only soul EV have it from now. (New modele 2019)
But I read from offcial new from Kia/Hyundai, they will build in 2019 a new info enterrement for Niro and kona with gsm module. The partenariat is with Vodafone for Europe.
So maybe they start to build the new Niro and kona from now. They will have an app like in America and Canada.
In France, we will have in 2020, maybe. (Build end of 2019, sell 2020)

The e-Niro and Kona share the same technique, so I expect this to be exactly the same for the Kona.

For other Kia models can you can buy a “Kia Connected Services Kit” for 199 euro.
See this link for the (again Dutch, sorry) page for these Connected Services. When using Chrome, Google can translate the whole page for you?

But I think this is exactly the same system that is built in the e-Niro. Only difference is that this is built in all e-Niro’s; no need to pay extra.

The coming changes of the Kia Niro models will probably be for all models, except the e-Niro. The e-Niro is already conforming the restyling, for as far as I know. There was a lot of discussion about this on several e-Niro fora (forums?) here in NL.

This communication module works already for all Kia models and probably will for the coming models.

This module shows that probably there is full CAN access on the back of the instrument panel.
Anyone knows what plug is used here?

So maybe kona ev had already gsm module too ?

For as far as I know this is a product of the Dutch importer.
And one way communication only.

But if this importer can make something, we can too.
And maybe this product is one way for the same reason?

There’s a similar thing in germany i believe - a third party dongle and app for turning on preheating (kinda like those remote car starters). It’s not the official Bluelink, though, because all 2018/2019 EU Konas still don’t have a cell modem like Remy said.

But if that German dongle is for turning on the pre-heating, as you say, than two way communication is possible!

How did they do this? And where is this thing connected? At the OBD plug?

Do you know if it exist for Hyundai ?

Hyundai Auto Link? Screenshot_20190413-223826

Does this work in the EU?

It seems to be Australia

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Unsure about the german one, but i’ve seen third party devices like that for ICE Hyundais that use the white connector at the back of the fuse panel.

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Has anybody been able to really find the Break Lamp PID on the Kona EV?
I’ve tried the Ioniq EV PIDs and here’s what I found:

003_VMCU Brakes On,Kona Brakes On,2101,ABS(BIT(g:1)-1),0,1,7E2
This formula will return 1 whenever the brake pedal is actually pressed and 0 otherwise.
It will be 0 if you are using regen even if the brake light turns on because of the regen (for example 90 km/h and remove your foot from the accelerator while at regen level 3).

003_VMCU Brake lamp,Brake lamp,2101,{g:0},0,1,7E2
That doesn’t seem to be the brake lamp since it doesn’t go to ’ 1’ when the brake lamp turns on during regen as indicated above. This bit seems to follow exactly what the brake pedal does (same as above, but doesn’t need any formula).

As you can see, I’m using Torque. Maybe I need to switch to autopi at some point because I want to find out more PIDs for the Kona.
Thank you for your help!

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Has anyone with a Hyundai Ioniq electric get some use with autopi yet?
I have tried som PID and can get some info, but have no use for it .
For example i can bet status of battery in procentage when charge, but it is not update enough to have use for it .

So i am interested och some screen shot what you have that works good on dashboard with Ioniq :slight_smile:

Regard Jörgen