VW Passat 2018 read out fuel level and odometer value not possible

I am currently trying to read out how much fuel is left in the car and how many kilometers have been driven so far.
I know about the standard PID-List (OBD-II PIDs - Wikipedia). There the Fuel Tank Level Input PID can be found (0x2F), I tried the following commands:

obd.query Fuel_Level mode=02 pid=2F header=7DF formula='(bytes_to_int(message.data[2:])*100)/255' unit=% baudrate=500000 protocol=6 verify=false force=true
obd.query Fuel_Level mode=02 pid=2F header=7DF formula='(bytes_to_int(message.data[2:])*100)/255' unit=% baudrate=500000 protocol=6 verify=false force=true

As you can see from the image both don’t receive any data. I also tried it without a formula which resulted to the same message.
I also ran all of the supported PIDs commands and for some reason the VW Passat from 2018 doesn’t support the fuel level pid. I really doubt that, but it should support odometer.

Now the odometer, I tried to receive any data by using these commands:

obd.query ODOMETER baudrate=500000 protocol=6
obd.query odometer mode=01 pid=A6 header=7DF baudrate=500000 protocol=6 verify=false force=true
obd.query odometer mode=02 pid=A6 header=7DF baudrate=500000 protocol=6 verify=false force=true

As you can see by the image also no data received although the car supports it according to the obd.commands command.

So now I wanted to ask is it possibble to get the current fuel tank value and the current kilometer value from a VW Passat 2018.

If this doesn’t work the AutoPi has no real feature since these values would be key values for my project.

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