Software update on the 4th of April - Bug fixes, Alerts and some stability fixes

I think a new image needed with correction … I can execute commands because device go sleep in few minutes , if is not linked to cloud/ configured please not use timer to sleep , only critical check .
it’s so difficult use it in this situation .

Need a img with correction bug


i’ve reset img but nothing and now is unusable … I don’t know if is something related to Italian operator or boh ??


Mine’s having issues connecting to 4G now too. Or, rather, to the cell modem.
ec2x.cell_signal reports:

[Errno 2] could not open port /dev/ttyUSB2: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/ttyUSB2'

Going to open it up and reseat the LTE modem in case it’s a contact issue.

Try executing lsusb command via ssh, it should list all USB devices.

Opened it up, reseated the modem, works fine now.
Hotspot works and everything.

Still no connection to the cloud though, so original problem remains.

Edit: pinging hub01 (salt master) from autopi

pi@autopi-###########:~ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=249 time=76.3 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=249 time=60.5 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=249 time=57.1 ms 
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=249 time=60.2 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=249 time=68.3 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=249 time=103 ms
--- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 6 received, 0% packet loss, time 5007ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 57.184/71.054/103.520/15.854 ms

So the problem definitely isn’t in the 4G network or connectivity.
I guess the only remaining thing to do without further input from the autopi crew is to reflash it?

Edit: reflashed, gonna give it a try tomorrow, as it’s almost 04:00 here already.


Aaaand back to not being able to update before it goes to sleep.

Also this:


Edit: Okay, so hooked it up to a bench power supply (messing with it in the car became old real quick, and it doesn’t help anyways, since it keeps going to sleep due to missing RPM PID anyways). Then kept rebooting it until it connected to the cloud. About 3/4 boots i get the error from the screenshot above, and in 1/4 it actually manages to connect to the cloud.

Then, i’ve managed to get the power settings to save before it goes to sleep (after further 4-5 reboots). And now i’m running the update, at least i hope i am, as there is no way for me to confirm it’s running. Because minionutil returns a timeout.

This is a right mess…

Edit2: this is getting ridiculous. Update finished, it rebooted, minionutil works now, it’s connecting to cloud (finally!), BUT now the wifi hotspot is gone. What on earth is wrong with this thing?!




Wifi hotspot working after a reboot.

@Malte after a lot of faffing about, here’s my hypothesis… if the LTE network takes a bit before it starts letting data through (i guess it happens with some providers), minion tries to contact master and fails. And if it fails, it keeps on failing for some reason (same BadStatusLine error) forever.

Solution - ping master and wait for it to respond (indicating LTE network is finally letting data through) before bringing minion up.

Additionally, the power timers don’t get suspended during updates, causing issues on EVs or when running on a bench. Device should be always on while the update is running.

All of this is just guesswork, though, so i’m probably completely off.
I’ve resolved all my issues except the original one - i need to reboot the device multiple times until i luck out and have the cloud working.

My is unstable , I think it can be useful try to use an old image ?? But It can not work with cloud … so how can do ??? It’s 7days of died

Still no go for SMS wakeup after last update. Modem power save is off, connection to cloud and wifi OK. Is there a way to rollback to an older update without doing a reflash?


I’m seeing the gauge is doing averaging - IMHO, a gauge needs to be “the last known single valid value”.


You can change it to mix, max, sum or average. Not very useful though :frowning:
Last value would be great.

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Upon browsing through the Autopi github repo, turns out i was wrong with the assumption that it doesn’t kill the power management during update state. It does (it deletes all queued up state changes before an update), but for some reason, that didn’t work in my case and it went through a few retries with sleep in between before it finally updated.

Also found out it brings up minion before the network is up (on purpose, for some reason). So if network not being up at the right time were the issue, it probably would’ve been an issue everywhere / for everyone.

So… still no idea why it’s having so much trouble talking to the cloud.

To make things more puzzling, whenever it happens, i can ping just fine from the dongle. It’s just that i keep getting the same “Connection aborted” from cloud.status over and over and over again.

Just tried it again.

First boot (since Apr 14th) - connection to cloud working.
Let it go to sleep, woke it up - “Connection aborted”.
Another sleep, another wakeup - “Connection aborted”.
Hibernate, then wakeup - “Connection aborted”.
Complete power down, then on - “Connection aborted”.

4G, Wifi, hotspot, everything working fine except for the connection to cloud/master.

It’s dead, Jim.

@Peter we can have support on this ? 2 weeks my autopi not works … ti’s not acceptable

I must block buyer group on Italy of Kona EV, it’s not safe at now

Hi All,

Can you please reach out to with this?

They will help you debugging and get your device working again.

Please notice that when you reflash your device, your ID needs to be reapproved in the Cloud again. This is also described in this post:


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Thanks I do it now , and I send old id and new

I send UNIT ID but I see are the same , wait a reply @Peter

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I’ve copied over the old minion credentials, so no “re-accepting in the AutoPi Cloud” was necessary.

Besides, as i’ve mentioned multiple times now, it sometimes connects to the cloud.
In about 1/10 boots.

On further research, the BadStatusLine exception comes from the Python request package.
It typically indicates it has received a non-parsable response from the server, or an empty one.
Could you check your access logs to verify what’s happening? I can provide timestamps if needed.

Edit: sent a report to support.


@Peter and @Malte , I must underline to you that is 3 weeks of my autopi died, I send on this blog info , I send logos on email , but I no have reply.

It’s not a good support this, therefore please, you can not sell products and not have a RMA procedure, also how can advice your products if support is leaked as I see.

I’m little bit astonished of this, if I can’t resolve I must use PayPal as third party but is force brute procedure and I not want use, but how can I do ?

Hi @asetyde,

I’m not completely sure what the problem is with your device. I’ll follow up with support to check on your case, but from what I can see the last reply was received from you just before the weekend. Unfortunately we dont have 24 hour support, or support out of business hours, so you need to expect a couple of days for use to investigate and reply to your case.

But we reply and solve all cases, so dont worry.


hi , But now what is solution ? I send logs (before crash 16 April ) two time and reactivation 17 April , 18 and 19 logs of minion.utils

At now is unusable ( it’ can’t find 4g but also wifi not work ) .

I’m wait but I hope it will fixed