Obd.file_export & obd.file_import commands are missing after Reflashing the device

Subject of the issue

After performing reflash of the device,obd.file_export command is unsupported.The same command was available before reflash.Even obd.commands returns error.
The device has been registered and synced with cloud.

Your environment

  • What version is the dongle? (Find on software state page on my.autopi.io)

Steps to reproduce

Issue the following command:-
pi@autopi-f95646e79bad:~ $ autopi obd.file_export protocol=31 baudrate=500000 read_timeout=10 folder=/home/pi/ run=True

Expected behaviour

the obd.file export command should be accepted and can data log file should be created in the
specified path

Actual behaviour

Instead the following error is seen
error: u’obd.file_export’

Output of power.status command

If your issue is in any way related to the device shutting down or behaving in a unexpected way, please provide the output of the power.status command to help us diagnose the issue.

Run the command


in the terminal on local.autopi.io, and paste the result here.
local user@Local device $ power.status
days: 0
seconds: 700
since_iso: ‘2021-02-09T07:08:10.954800’
since_t: 1612854490
time: ‘0:11’
users: 1
current_state: ‘on’
down: none
up: ‘on’
down: none
up: spm
sleep_interval: 0
version: ‘2.1’
level: 100
state: discharging
voltage: 12.7
sleep: NONE
wake: NONE
ext_sleep: ’ LOW FOR 3000 ms’
ext_wake: ’ HIGH FOR 500 ms’
uart_sleep: ’ 900 s’
uart_wake: ’ 0-30000 us’
vchg_wake: ’ +0.20V IN 1000 ms’
vl_sleep: ’ <12.20V FOR 300 s’

Do’s & dont’s

  • Do not write your unit-id anywhere.

Hi @SBJ ,

Thank you for reporting this.

Please report it to support@autopi.io, then they will investigate this also.


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