Looking for Guidance on Fleet Management Customisation for AutoPi

Hello to everyone,

I found AutoPi while looking on ways to handle our small fleet of delivery trucks more efficiently. Our fleet is made up of a combination of regular automobiles and light commercial vehicles, and in order to increase productivity and cut expenses, we want to improve our monitoring and management skills.

Here are some major goals I hope AutoPi can assist us in achieving:

Real-time GPS tracking: Every car in our fleet needed to be precisely tracked in real-time. To what extent does AutoPi sustain continuous tracking in both rural and urban areas?

Diagnostic Alerts: If there are any mechanical problems or diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), we are eager to be notified right away.

How programmable are they? Can they allow us to send messages straight to our maintenance team?

Driver Behaviour: We have to keep an eye out for factors like speeding, abrupt stops, and other driving tendencies. Does AutoPi provide in-depth analytics on the conduct of drivers? If so, how in-depth is the data and is it easily accessible and readable?

Fuel Efficiency: In order to find ways to increase fuel efficiency, we monitor fuel usage.

Custom Development: It’s possible that when our needs change, we’ll need to create new features. What degree of community and team support can we anticipate, and how adaptable is AutoPi for custom development?


Any advice on proper procedures or any dangers to be aware of would be extremely helpful.

Thank you :pray: in advance!!

Hi @smith_john,

Sounds like an interesting case and definitely something we can assist you with.

Can I get you to send an email to sales@autopi.io? The we can find a way to assist you best with this.

Kind regards,

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