Lane Keeping Assistant Monitoring

I am going to buy an AutoPi Telematics Unit SocketCAN but first I would like to know if anyone knows if any of the CAN bus includes the information of the lane keeping assistant disconnections. This assistant is disconnected when the curve is very sharp or with sudden changes in brightness and I want to monitor these disconnections logging the exact time (and position) in which they occur. Is the AutoPi Telematics Unit SocketCAN capable of collecting this information?

Thank you in advance.

Hi Quico,

Thank you for reaching out.

The AutoPi TMU device is essentially able to read any message there is on the CAN Bus, which means, if these disconnections communicates through the CAN Bus, and you know exactly which messages you are looking for, it is capable of doing so. Furthermore, it also depends on your make and model of your vehicle.

We cannot give you a clear answer on how to do it, as we need more information about this.

Best regards, Support
Tony Do

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Thank you very much for your answer!

We will soon buy one or two SocketCAN Units and start researching from the university. Thanks for accepting me in the community, we will try to contribute as much as we can.

Best regards,

Hi Tony,

I have another doubt.

Related to what I said in the previous message, we are looking for the PID of a specific event related to the LKA but it is difficult to find information. For the tests we are going to do, the idea we have is to build a logger that records several messages (in a range of PIDs yet to be determined) with time stamping and then look for variations within the logger when the disconnection event occurs. Do you know if there is a way to log all the events that happen without having to do a specific query associated to a PID? Or, is it possible to define a query (with an associated reading frequency) for a range of PIDs and log all the responses?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Hi Quico,

If I understand your question right, you’re trying to find a change within a range of PIDs, that is based on when the change occurs IRL. Unfortunately, I don’t think we have a way to query a whole range of PIDs, so you’re going to have to do those one by one.

Here’s an in-depth explanation of how our PIDs work: Create PID Loggers | AutoPi Documentation. You migth find another answer.

For your use case, it might be better to retrieve raw CAN data, using the obd.send.command, in which, you can set up a worker in the obd_manager service.

You can take a closer look at here: Create Custom Workers | AutoPi Documentation

Hope this answers your question.

Best regards, Support
Tony Do

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