How to pushbullet notification

I’m not very familiar with my new autopi and the first need I encountered is to have event notifications. I have read other posts where telegram notifications are made, but I preferred to choose a real notification provider like Pushbullet. It is simple to use as a telegram, has many useful features and has a limited number of free messages.
The first thing to do is to create an api pushbullet token, then in the custom code:

pushbullet_url = “
pushbullet_data = {“title”: “Christine”, “body”: “Hai superato la velocita’ di 50Km/h”, “type”: “note”}
pushbullet_headers = {“Access-Token”: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”}
pushbullet_response =, data = pushbullet_data, headers = pushbullet_headers)

and this is the result:
Screenshot_20200226-190510_One UI Home


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