"error: No reply message received within timeout of 30 secs - please try again and maybe increase timeout value"

Subject of the issue

Before I trying to connect AutoPi to actual vehicle, I tried to test it CAN connectivity using jig with OBD connector that sends monotonic CAN frames with 500k rate. It seems that AutoPi can’t software correctly process those frames. Is there any way to get direct access to CAN frames avoiding salt stack?

Your environment

AutoPi DIY attached to RasPi 3B.

Steps to reproduce

Send monotonic CAN frames via OBD connector.

Expected behaviour

OBD commands give correct output.

Actual behaviour

All commands cause “error: No reply message received within timeout of 30 secs - please try again and maybe increase timeout value”.

Output of power.status command

error: No reply message received within timeout of 30 secs - please try again and maybe increase timeout value

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