Device ID is different than SSID of device. When trying to connect device to my cloud account, it says this device has already been registered. They cash see my vehicles on their end but, I cannot see anything in the cloud

Subject of the issue

Device ID is different than SSID of device. Have never been able to connect to it other than Bluetooth. Shows up in the app but not the mileage or anything like that. When trying to connect device to my cloud account, it says this device has already been registered. They cash see my vehicles on their end but, I cannot see anything in the cloud. When reading documentation, It says that I should have received info about my device in email when I ordered it but that email never arrived.

Your environment

  • the one with the pre-installed Sim.

Steps to reproduce

Is persistent. Airways been there.

Expected behaviour

Be able to see my vehicles or devices in the AutoPi cloud. When entering the device ID, I’m told it’s adjust been registered. But, it’s not in my account. It shows up in the app though.

Actual behaviour

Whenever I try to add the device to my account, I either get an error saying it’s already been registered and won’t let me add it, and whenever I try to connect to the wifi, the SSID and device ID are not the same and no combination of trying the device ID, or the SSID that shows in the wifi settings, have worked.

Output of power.status command

I’ve been told the battery voltage was low but, my car is showing over 14.8 volts. The main issue, my device is not connected to my account and I cannot add it to my cloud account. I can’t track any vehicles, add any devices to my account, get 404 errors a lot when trying, and device already added despite it not showing up anywhere in my cloud account. It in fact says I have no devices or vehicles registered to my account but, support has been sending screenshots of very detailed data for my vehicles. I only have occasional luck with Bluetooth and the app. Can’t run any diagnostic scans, track mileage (in the app either for my AutoPi, works for macaron but only in the app). I’m very very confused. I understand that everything looks good to support but I have so many screenshots showing what’s going on and how I don’t have access. I know it’s tempting to chalk this up to incompetence because they can see it, but, my screenshots show otherwise and they’ve never been addressed despite multiple tries with support.

Do’s & dont’s

  • Do not write your unit-id anywhere.

Hello @Maxwell_King,

Thank you for reaching out.

I can see from your message that you have mentioned Macaron device and using an app.
These are not AutoPi products, so that makes me think that you have purchased the AutoPi device and use our partners DIMO systems.

If that is the case, it is not possible to access the AutoPi Cloud. I recommend reaching out to DIMO’s support (

If that is not the case, let me know.

Kind regards,

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This is exactly the issue I always encounter for some reason when talking to support I own one of each and purchased the AutoPi quite a bit before the macaron and set the AutoPi up way before. The issue I’m describing has always been the case for me. Just to be very clear, I have one of each. I have an AutoPi on a 2019 Subaru wrx and a macaron on a 2021 Subaru forester. The concerning issue is with the AutoPi because I cannot see that device, See my car or anything in the cloud . When I go to register this it says that it’s already been registered. Please forget I mentioned anything about the macaron. I understand they’re not the same thing and that doesn’t apply to autopi stuff. I am only trying to troubleshoot the AutoPi

Wait a second, I don’t see a macaron mentioned at all in my previous response… It is a very lengthy description of what’s going on and it is focused entirely on the AutoPi issues. This is concerning me even more…

Hi @Maxwell_King,

Since this is a device purchased through DIMO, it is not possible to register it on You will need to reach out to DIMO support to get the correct access and setup.
