Using AutoPi Board with clean Raspbian

I would like to use the AutoPi without the AutoPi Stack.

I would be happy if you could give me any tips on how to get a LTE connection working and if its possible to turn of the Auto-Shutdown which seems to happen regularly.

Any help will be appreciated :slight_smile:

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Hello mate.

I am now looking into the same project as you seem to be working on and i bumped into the same problem as you have.

Have you somehow manage to achieve something? I am as well not able to use the LTE modem without using the autopi-core.

LTE seems to work after configuring it with the help of this guide:

I only had to change the download URL of the UMTSKeeper to

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Hi @t0b1z

The LTE connection relies on the qmi-cli. You can configure this on a clean Raspbian.


I finally got it to work with the help of this guide.

Now i am struggling with the OBD-II.

I cant figure out which device is it connecting to. I was trying to use the ttyAMA0, but it doesnt seem to be working.

Ok, i found out that the serial port is serial0, but i cant connect to the car. It seems like the port is blocked or something.

I finally managed to connect to the OBD port yesterday :slight_smile: the problem was, that explicitly setting the device wasnt enough. I needed to initialize the class also with the interface_cls parameter, protocol ID and protocol baudrate. And also import not only the obd library, but i also had to explicitly import the folder interfaces using ‘from obd.interfaces import *’.

Now another question might be in place. My goal for now is to be able to lock/unlock car via the RPi. As i couldn’t find any function in the py-obd library similar to the obd.dump() function provided by the autopi-core, i was wondering, how to get to the CAN messages running in the car.

My idea was to use obd.execute(‘ATMA’) function to read the messages for a few seconds, then try again while locking and unlocking the car. For sending the CAN messsge back to the car i would use obd.send() function.

Is this the right approach?

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Hi @Drexicek1,

Yes this sounds like the right approach.

For discovering unknown commands, you can also use our CAN analyzer. We’ve given it a much needed overhaul in the latest release.


OK, and what to do in case sniffing on every protocol returns empty response?

@Peter still no luck. Have you encountered a car with similar situation? I have a Mitsubishi ASX 2014 and whatever i do i get empty response. Only thing i am able to get is RPM and speed.

I am an absolute beginner with this stuff, so I might be completely wrong. But on a few forums exploring the OBD PID’s for my own car, a Nissan, they found a load of extended PID’s which can only be accessed after you set the ODB/car in diagnostics mode. I’m just repeating what I am reading there: normal mode is $01 and diagnostics mode is $22. Driving with diagnostics mode turned on should be no problem since the dealerships also do this while testdriving the car.

Hi, thanks for the advice. Could you please share link to this forum for me to read something more about it? I guess car nowadays go to diagnostic mode instantly after connecting a device via OBD, but i might be wrong. I looked for schematic of OBD in my car and pin 1 is diagnostic, just don’t know how to turn on the pin and keep it on. @Peter Maybe sending first bit as a 1 could do the trick? I’ve seen some option in the py-obd lib.

There you go: