Unable to verify connectivity of protocol

Subject of the issue

Unable to verify connectivity of protocol ‘auto’: Unable to connect because no supported protocol found

Your environment

  • 2020.10.05

Steps to reproduce

This is the first time I’m using Autopi and I’m learning everything, so please understand that something that for you is obvious for me could be all new. I just connected autopi at my Mini Cooper SE, I am trying to figure out what protocol for communication I should use, it looked to me that this was the first step. my goal is to extract data from the trips in order to improve some Navigation models for electric veicles.

Expected behaviour

I expected that auto protocol find some way to comunicate with the car. if I should test every single protocol should I use the command obd.status in order to see if I’m correctly connected? what should I expect from that command if it was correctly connected?

Actual behaviour

Unable to verify connectivity of protocol ‘auto’: Unable to connect because no supported protocol found

Output of power.status command



days: 0

seconds: 1322

since_iso: '2020-10-15T16:36:39.566953'

since_t: 1602779799

time: '0:22'

users: 1


current_state: ‘on’


down: sleeping

up: 'on'


down: rpi

up: stn

sleep_interval: 0

version: ‘2.1’



level: 100

state: charging

voltage: 14.5


sleep: NONE

wake: NONE


ext_sleep: '  LOW FOR 3000 ms'

ext_wake: '  HIGH FOR 500 ms'

uart_sleep: '  900 s'

vchg_wake: '  +0.50V IN 1000 ms'

vl_sleep: '  <12.20V FOR 240 s'

vl_wake: '  >13.20V FOR 3 s'

Hi @KillCoffe.

Thank you for your post and welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

Usually, the device should be able to automatically detect the CAN bus for any ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicle. You just need to make sure that the vehicle is running when you attempt to auto-detect the protocol.

In case of an electric vehicle (which as far as I understand the Mini Cooper SE is), there is some extra steps that need to be taken before an auto-detect can be accomplished. You can follow our guide here for details on this. Let us know how it goes.


Hi @Nikola, thanks for the fast reply.
Actually I’ve read that guide but I am not able to do procedure 1 because when I write RPM in PID and then I click on advanced, the RPM word disappear and appear no items found, when I do procedure 2 happens more or less the same, I write RPM, it disappear and appear no items found… So I’m stuck there, community is empty, I can’t find CAN protocol in order to communicate with the car and create the PID or CAN signal… :roll_eyes: as I said I’m a very very noob in this, what should be the right procedure to follow?

EDIT: i figured out how to add signals, I was only looking into community and I didn’t see I could create one by myself… sorry, I’ll try again

EDIT 2: I tried adding a PID, but when I arrive to the part “Vehicle Bus(es)” appears Mini Cooper SE but I can’t click on it. if I go in Loggers I can find the signal, I did the step 1A of the guide you sent me but I can’t find the event on the list, so I guess this PID is not working. 1B done, nothing has changed. I was trying 2A (CAN) but I don’t have any idea on how to add a CAN signal, since I am no t able to communicate with the car and it asks me about can name, bytes, header and sender… Any idea? :pleading_face: :exploding_head:

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