Software update on the 12th of July - Minor improvements and bugfixes

Software update on the 12th of July - Minor improvements and bugfixes

A new release has been pushed that is containing the following changes.



  • Improved support for extended PID’s
  • Minor fixes in UI
  • Changed advanced settings to have sensitive fields that are not visible by default.


  • Fixed issue where bus on device vehicle was changed, but change was not pushed to device.
  • Fixed issue where some fields was not selectable when adding/configuring a widget.
  • Fixed rare issue where the advanced configuration section could in some cases

AutoPi Core


  • Improved handling of syncing changes to the device
  • Added confirm to voltage calibrate to streamline the arguments across the device


  • Fixed issue where minionutil.update_release command would be executed incorrectly if run from local device.
  • Fixed sync issue that could result in changes erroneously being marked as synced.

The update can take quite a while to finish, and it will restart the services running on the device. So please be patient when installing the updates, it should finish by itself, or retry on errors.

Let us know if you experience any issues.

As always, feedback, comments etc are welcome!

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