Local Dashboard Disappointment

I bought the auto-pi inspired by this tutorial: https://www.autopi.io/blog/build-a-raspberry-pi-touch-screen-car-computer/

tl;dr like a lot of other people posting on this board I am disappointed to have bought the auto pi and all the other pieces in the article only to discover after assembling them that the local dashboard UI is no longer supported.

2 questions for the auto pi people:

  • When are you going to take that tutorial post down from the website? It is clearly misleading many people into buying these components for a purpose which they cannot fulfil.
  • Is there any plan on the roadmap to re-enable this functionality? It seems like a pretty key use case.


Also I have a question for the community: given that I have a whole auto-pi/smartipi touch setup right now, what’s the best way forward for me if I assume that the local dashboard is not going to happen anytime soon?

AFAICT I have two options:

  1. Disassemble: Put the auto-pi back into it’s original case with the zero and just connect it up for the purpose of telemetry. I have several other Rpi 3 projects I want to start so that will be re-used. I don’t have anything in particular for the SmartiPi right now but I’m sure something will come up.
  2. Keep as is: Is the Smartipi/Autopi setup good for anything else?


i am looking at building a touch screen dashboard using the autopi and a android tablet. if you want to help let me know

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