Customizing autopi-core

Hey guys,

We are exploring the autopi project as a potential hardware solution for our software. We received our first device today and are super excited about customizing it to fit our needs.

We’ve made several changes to the autopi-core including the initial config and other customizations (which we are happy to add to a PR for your review in case anything is useful outside our use case) that make the device behave the way we need. The only problem is we can’t figure out how to create the image (.img) that will be flashed to the device (we already know how to flash it using Etcher, thanks to some of your docs and other posts).

This is important for us to get worked out as we are currently evaluating the autopi hardware for use by our clients.

I’ve sent an email to our sales rep, but figured the community might be a better place to post this question as I’m sure others will be interested in the answer as well.

Thank for what you guys have done, and for your support!