CAN raw data monitoring feature

Hi, I just received my dongle and I am trying to find CAN raw data monitoring feature from “car explorer” button in the AutoPi cloud interface, but somehow the button is disabled and it says here “Car Explorer is unfortunately not enabled in cloud v0.9. It won’t be long before it is available”

Can you please suggest other options for CAN raw data monitoring besides using the provided “Car Explorer” feature?

Thank you

Hi @sisfaeez,

Unfortunately that feature haven’t been released yet. Its one of the features we are working on at the moment and we hope to be able to release it shortly. When do you will see it from the release list when logging in.

Hope you can wait a little longer.


Hi @Peter

Ok, I see. Please keep us posted any new updates.

Thank you.


Hi @sisfaeez,

I just want to bring to your attention, that with the latest update its possible to stream raw CAN data from the vehicle. Check out the updates in the obd modules, using the terminal.
