BMW 3 does not like AutoPi


The device will only sleep when the engine is turned off.
So it will be connected and pushing data to the cloud whenever the engine is running, and 30 min. after the engine has been turned off - afterwards it will wake up for 10 minutes every hour (will be configurable in the next update).

Well, the sleep interval is not configurable until we are ready with the above mentioned update, but the configuration of the trigger voltage levels are configurable today, so I would just try to plug it in, and then keep an eye on the generated trips, and the uploaded events from the device, they will show whenever the device powers on, powers off, engine started etc.

So I would just plug in the device, and see if any issues shows itself.
It may not even need any configuration changes :slight_smile:

Best regards

Hi, so I finally was able to install the autopi
local configuration was ok and also communication from works. But I don’t see anything related to wigets, add-ons or all the other cool stuff shown in the demo.
When will this be available? Is there a roadmap. I would like to implement the following features:

  • GPS location monitoring at all times
  • Alarm audible and lighting command presets.
  • I would like to install HD dashcam and integrate it into autopi
  • diagnostics and advanced troubleshooting through CANbus
    and much more.

So please tell me I didn’t just bought a developer gadget which is not end-user market ready.

Looking forward hearing from you,

Best regards,
Pravin Heera

Hi @Malte, @Peter

I will be installing the device in a BMW shortly. Can you please provide an update if you have solved the mentioned issues and/or if I need to make any specific adjustments for it to work flawlessly with a BMW.

Appreciate your support.

Kind rgds,

Hi @Mikkel,

You should be able to connect it to BMW also. If you have issue with this, then please reach out to

I you are going to implement your own custom loggers, then there is some inspiration to be found here for the enhanced pids:
