Anyone wants to sell it's autopi?

I really want this device but the price is a bit high for me, I’m looking for something around 130-150EUR max.

Anyone looking to sell their device?

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Maybe me if I can’t use with my EV car. But seem have soon an update.
So, ask later ;).

i’ll set myself a bi-weekly reminder to send you a pm, is that ok ?

I don’t want to sell it so quick, maybe in 4-5 month if I can’t use it.
but I am confident, the team hard work for EV car, so, I should wait.
if there is an issue, I know a lot’s of people (who asked me) want to buy, but they wait on me to show it’s work fine before buy.
autopi is the best and unique way to improve what you want or imagine with your car, so 280 euros is expensive, but if its work, it is good price.

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i’ll set it to remind me 4 months from now :slight_smile:

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I’d like to sell mine. It was purchased less than 2 weeks ago and is in mint condition. It’s the Europe 4G/LTE edition, purchased for €275. Suggested price 70% of the new one, ie €190.

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ok email me at

it’s an alias to fwd to my personal email and from there i’ll just email you from my personal email so we don’t share here any personal info

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got my autopi from astrand and i’m very happy to be part of this community

someone please close this thread